Vocabulary: Model-View-Controller (MVC)

MVC (Model-View-Controller):

MVC is a design pattern commonly used in software development to organize the structure of an application. It divides an application's components into three main parts:

Model: The Model represents the data and the logic to manipulate that data. It's responsible for managing the application's data and business logic. This can include data storage, retrieval, validation, and other operations that deal with the data itself.

View: The View is responsible for presenting the data to the user. It displays the information and interacts with the user interface. The View is often concerned with how the data is displayed and doesn't contain the business logic.

Controller: The Controller acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View. It receives input from the user through the View, processes that input by interacting with the Model, and updates the View accordingly. The Controller handles user interactions and orchestrates the flow of data and actions between the Model and the View.

(from ChatGPT)