
CSS Note: Unit conversion from relative to pixels

Just a lil note on unit conversion from relative to pixels ・Each property has an itinital value if not declared or there is no inheritance ・Browsers specify a root font-size for each page(usually 16px ) ・Percentages and reltavie units a…

Creating repository for existing project on Github

A lil note on how to make a new repository on GitHub of an existing local project Create a new repository on GitHub. Open your terminal cd to the project you want to create on Github Initialize the local directory as a Git repository git i…

React Hook: useState Example

*useState notes for me, myself, and i use useState to add state to function components class component and function component comparison class component class Example extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { displa…

Redux-Saga example

*redux-saga notes for me myself and i Redux-saga are for asynchronous actions with side-effects install npm i redux-saga root.reducer.js import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; import { persistReducer } from 'redux-persist'; import userRe…

TypeScript Basic Notes

*Some TypeScript notes for me, myself, and I Typescript adds types write cleaner code avoid unneccessary error install npm install --save-dev typescript compile .ts to .js command line: tsc hoge.js or command line: tsc hoge.ts --watch or t…