
React Hook: useState Example

*useState notes for me, myself, and i use useState to add state to function components class component and function component comparison class component class Example extends React.Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { displa…

Redux-Saga example

*redux-saga notes for me myself and i Redux-saga are for asynchronous actions with side-effects install npm i redux-saga root.reducer.js import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; import { persistReducer } from 'redux-persist'; import userRe…

Redux Practice Example

Installing Redux npm i redux redux-logger react-redux Creating store store.js import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'; import logger from 'redux-logger'; import rootReducer from './root-reducer.js'; const middleWares = [logger…

Redux Notes

*redux notes Redux Redux Introduction ・state management ・get rid of all states in components ・put them in a store and pass the state to the component that needs it Why Redux ・Good for managing large state ・Useful for sharing data betw…

Routing Notes

*gibberish notes on routing Routing - React is just a UI library - Angular comes with routing (framework) - Before SPA had a problem with back button (url did not change) - Browser has History API - SPA routing libraries use history API to…

React Notes

*Just some gibberish notes I took about React The Birth of React * came out in 2013 * before there was JS, HTML, CSS * browsers worked differently so had to implement it on JS * JQuery worked through all browsers * BackBonejs organize big …