
Routing Notes

*gibberish notes on routing Routing - React is just a UI library - Angular comes with routing (framework) - Before SPA had a problem with back button (url did not change) - Browser has History API - SPA routing libraries use history API to…

Sign in with Google Popup using Firebase

const provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider(); provider.setCustomParameters({ prompt: 'select_account' }); export const signInWithGoogle = () => auth.signInWithPopup(provider); - import { signInWithGoogle } from '../hoge/hoge/fir…

Adding SVG as React Component

- add hoge.svg in assets folder (if you have one) in react project - import { ReactComponent as Logo } from '..../assets/hoge.svg' - < Logo /> (use as component)

React Notes

*Just some gibberish notes I took about React The Birth of React * came out in 2013 * before there was JS, HTML, CSS * browsers worked differently so had to implement it on JS * JQuery worked through all browsers * BackBonejs organize big …